Hike along Hyssnaleden Trail
When you stay with us, you have the Hyssna Trail right around the corner. Hyssnaleden is a well-established and popular hiking trail, offering magnificent nature, with lakes, forests, mountains, valley tracks and fantastic views.

Here and there along the trail you will find small signs with brief historical explanations, which have been put up by our fantastic voluntary home village association. They are also to thank for taking care of, and keeping the trails in good order.
Along Hyssnaleden you will pass a number of exciting places where you can stop. In addition to fantastic viewpoints there are, for instance, a small cave and two old mills. Read more on the link below, and plan your hiking tour. You will also find a guide text where you can read a little about the different places you will pass along the trail.
Hyssnaleden – Naturally beautiful hiking trail in West Sweden (vastsverige.com)
You can choose whether you want to hike the whole trail, or just a part of it. Depending on how you want to set up your hike, there are different alternatives for car parking. Read more below on page “ Car + hike here”. If you are unsure, contact us, then we can direct you to the best option.
Are you coming by bus? It takes just under one hour from Gothenburg, and a little longer by bus from Borås (you need to change in Skene or Kinna). Hop off at the “Hyssna Handel” bus stop, which is on route 156, then you have just a few minutes’ walk until you are on the trail (see page “ Bus + hike here”).